2. 按“设置”图标, 进入设置
Tap the “Settings” Icon.
3. 进入“邮件、通讯录、日历”选项
Tap “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”.
4. 在帐户栏中找到“添加帐户…”
Scroll down and tap “Add Account”.
5. 再点“其他”
Tap “Other”.
6. 在日历栏,再点“添加已订阅的日历”
Tap “Add Subscribed Calendar”.
7. 定位到服务器栏输入下面的连接,注意要大小写完全一样
Locate the server field input box and enter the URL of you desired calendar
Canadian – ical.mac.com/ical/Canadian32Holidays.ics
8. 然后点击下一步
Tap “Next”.
9. 如果你想改变日历的描述,可以在描述栏中修改
If you want to you can change the name of the calendar on the next screen under “description”
10. 最后点击保存
When you are happy Tap “save”.
You now have every Canadian Holiday in the Iphone or Ipad Calendar app. They are viewable just like any other appointment.
Follow the link below to find all of Apple’s Public Internet Calendars
You can also use the same method above to import Google Calendars.